Again - I am not being consistent in my postings. Maybe something will finally prod me to place into this Blog the essence of the many conversations I am having with people all over the country & even abroad.
My reading list is getting longer rather than shorter. I am about to finish the 1st Volume of Taylor Branch's comprehensive history of the Civil Rights movement. It has been a hard read but not because it isn't interesting. I find myself getting frustrated and almost angry as I read his recounting of those events. The blatant racism, the inaction of the federal government to obvious injustices, the need for the Kennedy's to add a political calculation to each step when the immorality of the circumstances should trump all political considerations and, finally, the cautiousness of the established black leadership of the time. Interestingly, PBS has chosen to replay on their American Experience program the series that was produced and aired in the mid 1980's regarding the history of the Civil Rights Movement. The visuals are disturbing; and, when further considered today after an additional 20+ years, the actions of the southern states' governments, the federal government and the ignorant racist people of that era are indefensible.
I have also been reading about the Economic Crisis we are experiencing. The book Too Big to Fail was a disturbing account of the behind the scenes actions of the major players as the events unfolded. I have been reading many articles and watching many documentaries commenting upon this historical economic collapse. The prevailing themes of greed and arrogance can't be avoided. Again, the ineffectiveness of those in positions of power is dumbfounding. Not only were they unwilling and unable to control the greed of the Bankers but they were actually encouraging this behavior. Policymakers determined that their short term goals matched the short term profit motivations of Wall Street. As Simon Johnson asserts - there is an oligarchy running this country and it is the Banking/ Financial Establishment. The political types are willing to go along in exchange for money that helps them stay in power. No one appears to have any interest in doing what's appropriate for the people & the public has benefited only to the extent that those benefits were consistent with Wall Street's profit chase and Washington's power goals.
Lastly, I was enthralled by the experiences of Greg Mortenson as chronicled in his book Three Cups of Tea. His methods were almost the antithesis of those employed in the other two arenas discussed above. He was selfless in his pursuit of a goal that was larger than himself and a goal that was meaningful. He paid no attention to and gave no heed to politics, profit, self aggrandizement, fame or any other motivation that seems to be behind every other action today. He merely wanted to build schools for needy children in Pakistan and Afghanistan. His methods were as unconventional as they were effective.
Perhaps the solution to our big problems and issues can be found in the methods used by Mortenson. Start from the ground up, proceed on faith & a belief that what you are doing is worthy, don't impose your will but rather listen to others, don't assume that only the powerful establishment has all the answers and, be persistent, don't get discouraged that solutions aren't being achieved within your timetable.
Closed minds have delayed, to this very day, the total removal of racial barriers. Great minds that were inappropriately focused on short term gain & profit were behind the recent economic collapse. Only when minds are open & properly calibrated can lasting achievements such as Greg Mortenson's be realized.
It is time that we objected to being satisfied with mediocrity or only that which is expedient. Our way out of this mess is to strive for the best, the apparently unachievable, excellence in all facets of our individual lives as well as society.
This may the last chance for the Boomers to make their mark. We need to finish what was started in the 1960's. We may not have run a perfect race but we still have the chance to finish well.