Lately we have started to frequent the Cahuilla Casino near Anza, CA. This is mainly because the routes that get us there are many and varied. Also this is a quaint place with a vibrant local crowd and the machines are not "greedy". We still don't win but we can play longer on our "40 Bucks".
Our last route from Oceanside started with our heading west on SR 76 until just west of Interstate 15, we then head north past Pala Mesa Golf Resort, cross the freeway at the Mission Rd. exit for Fallbrook, continue north past the Temecula Creek Golf Course until it intersects with the Pechanga Road. A quick left and then a right onto SR 79 and we continue our journey.
The first section takes us through the southern portion of Temecula which over the last few years has become quite developed for a stretch that continues long past the Redhawk area. However, once we leave Temecula the drive becomes very comfortable as we meander through country settings until we reach our destination.
As we move along we pass the Vail Lake Resort; this time, just past the Resort, there was evidence of a recent fire that scorched vegetation on both sides of the highway. I expect that the growth will return pretty quickly just as it has after the major fires in Valley Center near Harrah's and the recent big one that extended from Ramona all the way to Rancho Bernardo and beyond.
At the SR 79 and Highway 371 intersection (effectively the first stop sign after we leave Temecula) we take a left as if we were heading to Palm Desert/ Palm Springs. In the past when we have headed up along this route we have experienced snow on the ground from recent storms in the area. That is quite an adventure to be travelling in a Mustang convertible and observe snow piled up on both sides of the road in the high desert of Southern California.
We continue on the #371 towards Anza passing desolate countryside, very rocky with sage brush and desert style landscapes. There were a great many large boulder outcroppings with a smattering of homes of various types that can be seen from the road.
Once we pass two trail bike parks we know we are getting close to our destination. The Casino and "Smoke Shop" appear on the right looking nothing like the great "Cathedrals of Sin" that can be observed on the way into Vegas.
After a quiet afternoon of wins and losses we retrace our steps for the drive home. This time, rather than head west through Temecula along SR 79 we detoured at the intersection of #371 and SR 79 and headed east (left) instead. In effect we decided to circle Palomar Mountain by way of #79 to SR 76 then west past Lake Henshaw and down into Pauma Valley.
We wandered through Warner Springs and enjoyed the local scenery. Especially eye catching were the airport and local golf course. The airport seems to exist primarily for Glider style planes. The updrafts from the mountains to the east must be very good for this type of flying. We noticed several gliders floating around in figure 8 patterns diving and climbing as they circled. The airport advertises plane rides and there were numerous gliders, small planes and "experimental" aircraft on the tarmac. The golf course looked quaint and uncrowded. It was advertised as a "championship" lay out and appeared to be well kept and not too busy. I made a mental note that this would be a nice course to try in the Spring or Fall while the temperatures were moderate.
A right at the #79 & #76 intersection meant we were headed west for the final leg of the trip. The next landmark was Lake Henshaw on the right hand side. The water levels on this reservoir have dropped dramatically since our first observation several years ago. In fact it was noted that cattle were grazing in areas that were underwater at the time of our last visit to the lake.
We continued on skirting the bottom of the south side of the Palomar Mountain area past the rustic school that services the environs. Traffic moves along very smoothly at this point; however, there is a noticeable increase in the number of vehicles heading in both directions. As we descend from the mountain area we wind into the Pauma Valley past the intersection at Valley Center Road which leads to the Harrah's Resort. As we continue the traffic starts to congest as we approach the Pauma Casino on the right. We were tempted to stop in for a quick visit to see if we could reverse our luck and actually take some cash home in our pockets. Reason prevailed, however, and we continued west on SR 76.
Soon we were descending further into Pala with it's Vegas style Resort, Spa & Casino signs advertising the big name performers that are scheduled. Pala, Pechanga and Harrah's are the closest to Vegas that can be found in this part of California and they each attract great entertainment. Pala is adverting a Led Zepplin imitator group and the Pink Floyd Experience this time around. This is actually a downgrade from recent performers (maybe they are starting to feel the effects of the downturn in California's economy).
As we leave Pala we observe a herd of buffalo on the left grazing and unfazed by the activity buzz several hundred yards to the east of their location. The road starts to wind severely from this point on and the traffic slows to a crawl as there are many drivers on the this section of road that are unfamiliar with its intricacies. Patience becomes a virtue as we pass abandoned dairy farms, old gravel pits filled to the brim with water, large wholesale nursery operations and roadside vegetable stands.
Evidence of the upcoming road improvements is everywhere with construction equipment and materials staging areas interspersed among the various new survey monuments. The road has been widened between Interstate 15 and the section just east of the largest roadside vegetable stand; a stretch of several miles. This section allows us to pass the slowest moving vehicles as we prepare to tackle the upcoming final stage on our journey west on #76 from Interstate 15 to Oceanside.
This last stage is very busy as the casino traffic merges with the flow that has exited the freeway to head west to Oceanside and the surrounding area. Large semis are now present amongst the other vehicles and the drivers all exhibit varying degrees of confidence and experience with this route. The "veterans" move at a high rate of speed and impatiently tailgate the slow moving rookies. At 2 spots there is a chance to pass as the intersections at #76 & Mission Road and #76 & Olive in Bonsall widen to an extra lane allowing the "rabbits" to pass and then cut back in before the road narrows back to one lane. As you can imagine this is not nearly as relaxing as the back roads that were left behind far to the east of this location.
Nevertheless there is no need to get too worked up as we are near our final destination, we have great tunes on the XM Radio and I still have plenty of time before the USC & Cal kick-off. Once we are past the Vista Way & #76 intersection the pace picks up as most of the traffic has taken a left into Vista and then to the #78 Freeway interchanges that are probably their most direct routes to their goals. As we pass the residential area known as Jeffrey's Ranch the #76 opens up to 4 lanes and we can scoot along without hindrance to home. which is merely a couple of miles ahead.
With another therapeutic ride completed I sat down to watch USC handle Cal without any difficulty whatsoever. Then, best of all, later that evening the Dodgers clinched the NL West with a long awaited 5-0 win over the Rockies. Later that night I went to bed knowing that all was right in the world - at least for one day anyway.